
ut also loops around each other. While it can continuously carry the evil energy of water and fire for Chu Weiyang, its endless life is also The perfect place to teach Chu Weiyang to set up the island protection formation.

In this way, while the teaching circle can achieve harmonious growth, when an enemy really comes to attack the island, the magic circle is hidden in the underground water network, and the Qi movement becomes increasingly obscure and difficult to distinguish, especially when Chu Weiyang can be taught Get an advantage.
In just a few breaths, the jade talismans that illuminated his body disappeared into the underground river.
At the same time, Chu Weiyang could also clearly sense that as his majestic spiritual thoughts shrouded the entire island, a mysterious and majestic qi suddenly appeared. The qi of the magic circle and Chu Weiyang’s spiritual thoughts intertwined and resonated together in a flash. In an instant, Chu Weiyang was able to clearly sense the changes in every plant and tree on Lingfu Island.
Even if he is cultivating in the underground palace, any disturbance on the island is as real to Chu Weiyang as seeing the lines in his palm.
/And as such mysterious and majestic qi gradually flowed to every corner of this harmonious island, Chu Weiyang could more clearly feel the gradual transpiration of water evil qi and fire evil qi, and could feel The energy of water and fire surges.
It was as vigorous as yin and yang breathing, as if with such a qi brewing, the intensifying force of water and fire would have a tendency to pour into this evil pond without Chu Weiyang using the formation to pull it.
But at this time, Chu Weiyang was not in a hurry to condense the evil energy in the pool.
Instead, he waved again, held up the seal with one palm, and waved it towards the dome of the underground palace.
The next moment, the sound of whistles pierced the air and fell from the mouth of the well. When he looked again, it was the pocket magic circle that was pulled into the underground palace by Chu Weiyang.
They were almost the same jade talismans as the one just now. They were originally dismantled from a set of magic arrays by Chu Weiyang. But when he looked at the jade talismans of this pocket-sized array, he just glanced at them. Then you can observe the changes brought about by natural phenomena.
The originally warm water jade should have a clear and crystal clear luster, but now the jade talisman revealed in the pocket magic circle looks like some kind of black jade mixed with dark blue color.
That is the fundamental change of form and quality.
But Chu Weiyang was still able to find through the seal patterns that still existed on the ink jade, the part where the Tao and the Dharma connected each other.
So, watching carefully, Chu Weiyang calmed down and knocked down the seals one after another. When he looked again, the dark jade symbols revealed the harmony of Qi, and suddenly they were the same as those in the same place. The qi of the hanging pagoda outline is tied together in one