
appily. He also received several red envelopes unexpectedly and felt very happy.

“Everyone, I tore open the void passage, and before entering the True Immortal Realm, I accidentally got a piece of bone. It seems that an extremely terrifying explosion just occurred in that area. The Taoism has a strong aftertaste that will last for a long time. Today, my little girl came out of the cabinet. I am happy, so I will Let’s enjoy the wonderful bones together with everyone.”
/The sky demon Zhu Chuan appeared, his face glowing red. He was an old Suzaku with an immortal spirit. He was already a heaven-level creature and was no longer in this world. He came back specifically for his daughter.
There is a strange bone in his hand, flowing with mist and brilliance, white as jade, looming if there is a way, and it is extraordinary.
It wasn’t that he was generous and willing to make it public, but some strong people saw him picking up the bone. If a giant was really interested in it, he would just take it and give it away in order to survive.
Although heartbreaking, it is better than being silently obliterated.
Wang Xuan’s pupils shrank slightly. Is that a Yudao-level bone? What happened? There was a big explosion. The place where Tian Yao Zhu Chuan passed by was absolutely extraordinary.
Obviously, this bone is of infinite value, allowing people to observe and understand something essential!
In the Dongfu Hotel, the lotus-shaped divine crystal chandeliers hung high, flowing with dreamy colors. In the magnificent hall, the guests and hosts were all smiling. Many people raised their wine glasses to toast the Sky Demon Zhuchuan, staring at the bone in his hand.
The floor is paved with lapis lazuli, and fairy mist is lingering. All kinds of spiritual fruits can be seen on the table, and there are many fairy products.
“Everyone, please take a look.” Zhu Chuan said, with long fiery red hair and fire dancing in his eyes. He was really reluctant to give up, but he was really afraid of being killed.
At his level, he is already qualified to know part of the truth in the universe. In fact, it is the unfreedom of becoming an immortal.
Only those who truly live in this world and can travel from all walks of life are considered real bosses. At present, he is only better than the real immortal.
He has already guessed that this bone involves the level of imperialism. The creature should not be able to reach that level, but some of the bones have undergone transformation.
At this time, the true immortals of the Great Perfection of the Nine Heavens and even the beings of the Tenth Heaven were present. They all paid great attention to it and were excited in their hearts. They also knew what this was.
There were wisps of light in his eyes, and he stared at the bone. Of course, he didn’t touch it with his hand, and he didn’t dare to touch it. At this time, the white bone piece was placed in a box made of large copper mother.
This thing is restrained at this time, no one dares to activate it, otherwise, it may be backlashed and easily k