
transformed from this Nine Cauldrons. Walking in it, you can’t tell any difference from the real thing!

Four thousand years ago, the Qi Refiners of the Great Qin Empire used the Nine Cauldrons as a blueprint to draw the underground mountains and rivers and create an underground world for the Ancestral Dragon.
They look forward to awakening the ancestral dragon one day in the future and ruling the world again!
The Qi refiners of the Qin Dynasty set up various seals and restrictions among these transformed mountains and rivers to strangle intruders. They also drew long rivers of mercury, raised evil worms in the river, and placed twelve golden men to protect this magnificent land. Tomb!
/“It’s so exquisite!”
Zhu Chanchan was amazed and praised, “This First Emperor Zulong is really amazing! This Jiuding was originally the property of Emperor Zhou, but now Emperor Zhou is probably still on the other side. As the heavenly work of Emperor Zhou, it is my turn to inherit Jiuding.” .”
At the same time, the collapsed Lishan mountains flew into the sky one after another and were pulled into the giant eye of the abyss in the sky.
Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang’s spiritual senses sensed the Jiuding, and when they merged with the Jiuding, they were originally pulled towards the huge eye. Suddenly, an extremely powerful force surged in, acting on the Jiuding, fighting for the Jiuding with the eye!
The two of them were surprised and delighted, and immediately seized the opportunity of the force to confront the giant eye of the abyss, and fled outward.
At the same time, on the cliffs of the abyss, human beings with wriggling flesh and blood climbed up one after another. For a while, the abyss was constantly turbulent!
Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang received the help of that power, rushed out of the abyss along the Jiuding, and their spiritual consciousness returned to their respective bodies.
When the two opened their eyes, they saw Yuan Wuji moving the urn-shaped cave sky, and the nine caves and heavens merged into one, absorbing the heaven and earth, and pulling the nine cauldrons.
The two of them were shocked and confused.
Mrs. Yuan looked at them and when she saw them opening their eyes, she couldn’t help but smile and whispered: “Weiyang, the Yuan family will be handed over to you from now on. Uncle Xiao, from now on, treat her like you treat me.”
Yuan Weiyang was shocked and confused. Suddenly Mrs. Yuan floated up, lightly slapped Yuan Wuji on the back of the head, and shouted: “Let’s go.”
Yuan Weiyang screamed: “Mother!”
As soon as she shouted these words, she saw where Mrs. Yuan’s palm landed, a line of crack opened in the back of Yuan Wuji’s head, and a faint light shone out.
Mrs. Yuan’s sneak attack was successful, and the Jiuding was immediately pulled into the sky.
Yuan Wuji didn’t care much, he hurriedly stabilized his consciousness and controlled Jiuding.
Yuan Weiyang was sluggish.
/When Xu Ying saw this, he thought of all kinds of reasons in his mind like lightning. He immediately grabbed her hand, backed away q