
men and women are passionate and unrestrained, looking for their sweethearts.

“You’re worried, Xinzhou is the green rock building floating in the sea of ??chaos.”
Yuan Weiyang whispered, “Will the misfortune of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty follow the cause and effect, turn into a gust of wind, and turn everything here into ashes?”
Xu Ying nodded.
He put a lot of effort into the New Hunyuan Universe, and he also poured his feelings into the people in the New Universe. If disaster really catches up with this place and turns everything here into ashes, Xu Ying’s Taoist heart will definitely be unable to bear it.
“Husband, you already regard yourself as the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor.” Yuan Weiyang said.
/Xu Ying was stunned. After a moment, he smiled and said: “Human beings are not grass and trees, how can we be ruthless? What’s more, emotions are also the road. Pursuing ruthlessness and meaninglessness will only make yourself farther and farther away from the true path. I think now What we know is whether the person who opened up the Hunyuan Universe will save these people.”
Today’s Xinzhou Xianting is very simple. Only some immortals ascended here and built some fairy palaces. Xu Ying sat in the fairy court and deduced the fate of the universe.
He observed that the fate of all living beings came from the sea of ??chaos and connected with everyone. This was the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.
He noticed that in the collisions of the universe again and again, the destruction of the Hunyuan Universe had reached its extreme.
The thorough exploration of this universe has only occurred in the past few years.
At this time, an immortal came to report in a hurry and said: “Your Majesty, there is a guest outside who calls himself Nankong Garden and wants to see your Majesty.”
Xu Ying was startled for a moment, realizing that the name sounded familiar. He suddenly woke up and stood up quickly, “Please come quickly! Madam, madam!”
Yuan Weiyang came over after hearing the news and asked: “Why are you so panicked? Could it be that the Nirvana Tribulation is coming?”
“Minamikuen is here!”
Xu Ying said quickly, “It’s the Nankong Garden, one of the two Taoist ancestors of the Hunyuan Universe!”
Rao Yuan Weiyang has always remained calm in front of Tian Beng, and he couldn’t help but be shocked when he heard this: “Is it the Nan Kong Garden who has cultivated to the Yuanshi Realm? Nan Kong Garden, the Taoist companion of Qin Luan Daozu?”
Xu Ying nodded heavily and said with a smile: “I was indeed right. In this critical time, there will definitely be help! Let’s go see him quickly!”
While he was talking, a young man had already walked over under the leadership of the Immortal Court soldiers. The young man had a handsome appearance, sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, and carried a sword box on his back. He looked like a chivalrous man.
He does not have the supreme aura like other Yuanshi Realm beings, nor can he see the end of his road, but Xu Ying can keenly sense the aura of seventeen chaotic spi