
ef for a while.

“Aying, is that you?” Suddenly a big snake appeared in front of him and asked.
/The big snake with one black and one white horn on its head and mirror-like scales all over its body was none other than An Qi. Although it looked as big as before, that was relative to Xu Ying.
Xu Ying was now shrunk to the size of a pea, and Anhui Qi was also shrunk. He was no more than a foot long, but he was still a hundred times larger than Xu Ying.
One person and one snake were in sympathy with each other, and they were both reduced in size by Zhou Yupo with a silk handkerchief.
Xu Ying jumped on Xian Qi’s back and said: “Xiao Qi, please be faster, let’s escape from here as soon as possible!”
Xian Qi carried him and swam out, saying, “What kind of tricks does this old woman use? Why is she so powerful?”
The voice of the big bronze bell came: “It should be the Nuo technique of scattering beans and forming soldiers, but she used it in reverse. Spreading beans and forming soldiers can make the beans fall to the ground and turn into a golden armored god. They can grow longer when facing the wind, which is longer than normal people. Much bigger. If the old woman uses it in reverse, she can make people very small and shrink them into peas. There are similar spells among Qi Refiners.”
Xu Ying’s eyes flashed and he said: “I have opened the secret treasure of Ni Wan. I know the yin and yang of life and death, and can control the activity of the human body. Although her Nuo skills are exquisite, they will not trap me for long, and I can return to my normal body shape. An Qi, If you understand the techniques of large and small changes recorded in “Ba Snake True Cultivation” and “Dragon Snake Stinging Technique”, you can also defeat her Nuo technique.”
An Qi swam forward quickly, recalling the transformation technique in “Ba Snake True Cultivation” taught by Xu Ying. Sure enough, there was a method for physical transformation, and he felt happy in his heart: “Ah Ying is still reliable. After his suggestion, Then I know how to crack it.”
Suddenly, they saw the falling Wuwu Mountain through the silk handkerchief, and couldn’t help but feel despair. The Wuwu Mountain was coming towards them, and it would not take long before it would smash them to pieces!
Normally, they would still be able to escape, but now with their small arms and short legs, they can’t escape from the mountain!
At this moment, the silk handkerchief was suddenly picked up by a big hand. Under the silk handkerchief, Xu Ying and Jian Qi were wrapped in the silk handkerchief and flew into the sky involuntarily.
Zhou Yupo, an old woman from the Zhou family, grinned and put the silk handkerchief on the basket she was carrying and shook it. Xu Ying and An Qi felt that the world was spinning and they fell from under the silk handkerchief and fell into the basket.
/“I have invited Mr. Xu, let’s go first!” Zhou Yupo said with a smile, not knowing who she was talking to.
There was a small half basket of beans. Xu Ying and Xian Qi fell into it, causing the be