
Taoist image, because in this process, the monk will definitely die thousands of times!

But Xu Ying has the Nuozu Cave Heaven, and his physical body activity has reached the level of immortality, and he can constantly repair himself!
He can cultivate the Immortal-Zhu Dao Xiang and turn it into his own magical power.
At this moment, the disciple in yellow shouted: “My peerless sword intent is about to burst out, and I can no longer restrain it!”
As soon as he said these words, a peerless murderous intention suddenly rose into the sky, and a fairy sword hung upside down and appeared above everyone’s heads.
Under this sword, all the ways are extinct, all immortals no longer exist, and everyone suddenly realizes that their souls, flesh and blood are all tending to melt under the light of the sword!
“Shu Yuan, you’ve really made it!”
The disciples of the Biyou Sect were trembling under the sword energy, trying desperately to resist the killing intent brought by the supreme sword energy, but they could not stop it at all. Their spiritual will also seems to be melting in the murderous intention!
The mature disciple supported himself and shouted: “Shu Yuan, you can stop your sword energy now, we believe you!”
The yellow-clothed disciple also looked pale and was about to collapse, crying: “It’s not me! My peerless sword intent was suppressed by this sword intent before it even broke out of my body. Senior brothers, I may be wrong. ”
Seeing that they could no longer hold on, the peerless killing intent gradually subsided, putting less and less pressure on everyone, but the sword energy hanging upside down in the sky gave people a greater sense of oppression!
Although the murderous intention is internally refined, the power of the sword is actually stronger!
Xu Ying’s eyes seemed to be open and closed, and he did not look at the sword tactics on the cliff. He was already familiar with the sword tactics. He was looking at the broken sword of Zhu Xian in the distance, confirming the sword technique.
His left cheek suddenly split open, as if an invisible sword had cut his cheek, but the wound healed quickly in the next moment, leaving no trace of scars.
Suddenly, an invisible sword energy pierced Xu Ying’s heart, as if someone was holding a sword and piercing him from the inside out. But when the sword energy dissipated, his wound had healed.
/Suddenly dozens of bloody swords pierced his body from the inside out, dripping with blood, but when the bloody sword was broken, the wound healed.
Many Biyou Sect disciples under the cliff were horrified and did not dare to approach. The disciple in yellow named Shuyuan just now was even more frightened and could not say a word.
/“This is the consequence of making a mistake!”
The mature disciple grabbed the disciple in yellow and shouted, “Have you seen his fate? If you had activated your sword intent just now, you would have suffered the same fate as him!”
Xu Ying’s pupils were suddenly cut open by the invisible sword energy, split into two halves, and then closed