
housands of miles away with her boyfriend was a far cry from the previous level of “unbehavedness”. Back in the day when Professor Ling chased her and Han Zhizhi with a chain, the bicycle chain would have broken. Degree.

But after all, she was eighteen years old, an adult, a mature girl, and she was abducted by a boyfriend that her mother also approved of, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?
Thinking about it like this, I still feel a little uneasy, but I have already made up my mind, and An Nuan will never hesitate or regret.
“Why are your eyes so red? Do you feel the pain of youth, Professor Liu’s helplessness, and the pain of growing up?” Liu Changan asked with a smile.
Traveling with your mother is to see the scenery and pass the time. Traveling with your boyfriend is the feeling of travel that most girls look forward to. The scenery is important, and the journey is also expected to be pleasant, but more importantly, they want to gain sweetness.
We have been together for a long time. We are just an ordinary campus couple. There are not so many hilarious plots in idol dramas. If you think about it, they just eat together in the cafeteria, hang out on campus, laugh and play together, simple and simple. Being alone is not exciting, but it makes An Nuan feel that this is the love she wants.
Isn’t the most important thing in love the other person? Companionship is long-term love, and everything becomes extraordinarily different as long as you are with him.
This is the first time, like other couples would plan, to go out for a walk together. During the trip, the two of them will discover many places that they usually don’t think of. Maybe they will quarrel over some trivial things, and maybe they will discover each other’s feelings. Interests and hobbies are not so coordinated. Disputes arising from the choice of routes, accommodation, food, and attractions are the time to test mutual compromise, tolerance, and mutual tolerance.
I thought a lot, and was not only excited, that’s why An Nuan couldn’t sleep.
“The way your good baby was abducted makes me feel very guilty.” Liu Changan touched his chest and frowned, “Oh my conscience, my conscience is so oppressed by guilt that it is going to explode.”
“Damn it, I won’t go with you later.” An Nuan couldn’t help but laugh, hit him, and while saying this, she took a step forward.
The nearest subway station to Xiangda University in front of their home is also a certain distance away, so the two of them rode shared bicycles to get there.
/This is the peak time for work. Fortunately, this station is not too busy and there are not many people going up and down. Liu Changan helped An Nuan carry the big suitcase and entered the station easily.
“I suddenly had an indescribable feeling.” An Nuan looked at her boyfriend who was carrying a large suitcase and said with some emotion.
“Then don’t say it.” Liu Changan suggested objectively, “otherwise, if you don’t explain clearly and want to beep randomly, you will look stupid.”
An Nuan punched him. It would be nice if the