
p the electric pony car at home. Just like her previous pony, even if she didn’t ride it, she would still be able to ride it. Someone to run around with, instead of being kept in a stable all the time.

The three people, one dog and one electric car slowly returned to the community where Liu Changan lived. Shangguan Dandan pushed the electric car under the sycamore tree, honked the horn “Didi” twice, and wrapped a chain around the tree. Then he locked the tire of the electric car. Looking at the thick chain, Shangguan Dandan touched the electric car and felt more at ease.
Liu Yuewang admired Shangguan Dandan a little, he was so diligent in pushing the electric car out and back, and his strength was not ordinary. Liu Yuewang asked himself that he couldn’t do it.
/At this time, Zhou Shuling heard the “didi” sound of the electric car and went downstairs, saying at the same time: “Dan Dan, I steamed your favorite meat buns, who are you?”
“I am the mother of Liu Changan’s girlfriend An Nuan. Just call me Teacher Liu. Are you Dongdong’s mother?” Liu Yuewang looked at Zhou Shuling with a smile.
/Zhou Shuling nodded. In fact, Liu Yuewang didn’t introduce herself, but she could tell that Liu Yuewang and An Nuan looked very similar. An Nuan had come here to play when Liu Changan was in high school, and later she came to Liu Changan’s I have also seen An Nuan’s photos in my circle of friends. Liu Changan rarely posts on WeChat Moments and social media, so he was deeply impressed by the two posts he posted about “my wife” and “in the same frame as her.”
I have to say that Liu Changan and An Nuan are very matched in talent and appearance. Only a woman like Chang’e on the moon in front of her could give birth to a beautiful girl like An Nuan.
Look at her skin and figure. She has a figure similar to her own. Because she always puts on weight during the Chinese New Year, the places that should expand are a little swollen. Zhou Shuling doesn’t dislike herself for getting fat at this time. She just thinks that her clothes are very special. Zhou Shuling can’t show off her figure and temperament.
When she was most confident, she wore the woolen skirt that Liu Changan had modified, which also showed off her figure and the temperament of a beautiful woman.
“Mom An Nuan, do you want to try the meat buns? The meat buns made by Dongdong’s mother are the most delicious.” Shangguan Dandan took Zhou Dongdong’s hand upstairs, stood on the stairs, raised his hand and touched it The top of Zhou Shuling’s head.
Although she felt a little embarrassed to have her head touched by a young girl in front of outsiders, Zhou Shuling did not resist or felt it was inappropriate. After all, even a young lady like Zhu Juntang felt comfortable squinting when Shangguan Dandan touched her head. look.
“No, I’m full.” Liu Yuewang waved his hands with a smile, but his eyes fell on Zhou Shuling’s head.
The head, where three flowers gather at the top, is where the soul resides and where the Yang fire burns. You cannot touch it casually.
There is a poem c