
ore complex the change itself is, the more complete and harmonious the world reflected in the Tao map appears.

But the appearance of the dragon’s appearance seems to be just the beginning of the change.
Soon, when more and more vitality and mana washed into the Tao diagram in a torrent, washing away the mysterious thunder dragon phase, and then splashed out scorching spiritual light bit by bit, when the spiritual light splashed away and turned into dust, When the dust gathered together, it turned into vast clouds one after another, and when these clouds gradually intertwined and filled the Dao map.
The figure of the mysterious dragon was looming among the layers of spiritual clouds. Then, when the last extremely brilliant light condensed, in the slight margin in front of the dragon-like body that was 90% of the picture, the dragons intertwined, Just in the empty space exposed in the central Tianyuan, the spiritual light condensed, and while dimming, it condensed into the figure of a boy in black robe.
Immediately afterwards, the mysterious robed boy raised his hand. In an instant, Chu Weiyang’s entire body was reflected in the sky across from him. Then, the extremely numerous Taiyin Thunder Seal scripts were reflected into the Tao diagram, overlapping each other like dragon scales. In the meantime, it finally turned into an equally compact ring-headed sword in front of the boy.
/The boy held the master’s seal with one hand and held the handle of the knife with the other hand, holding the sword across his knees.
At this moment, the connotations of destruction and rebirth possessed by Taiyin Thunder’s mana, and the connotations of destruction and nourishment possessed by Zhuosha Yuanqi’s mana, all evolved into a part of life at this moment, and then, in the two mana’s rich and powerful In the continuous resonance, the dynamic evolution became more and more intense, and finally at a certain moment, it seemed to have reached a certain limit.
It seems that in Chu Weiyang’s Qihai Dantian, the power of the natural birth and death of heaven and earth is breathing and flowing.
This is not an illusion, but something that is actually happening.
At this moment, the boundaries between inner and outer circles seem to be blurred.
However, the real changes occurred at an unexpected level.
Almost at that moment, the power of creation and destruction of heaven and earth emerged from the Tao diagram, and reflected the aura in the qi sea dantian.
Accompanied by the real sound of breaking through the sky and buzzing, after the thunder mana and the vitality mana, it turned out to be the round sword wheel hanging in the air above the dantian of the sea of ????qi. At this moment, it was spinning around and falling straight towards the Dao map. And go.
In an instant, the majestic sword Qi Tianhe composed of twenty-four righteous sword intentions continued to absorb the power of life and death in the Dao diagram, and began to condense continuously.
At the same time, in the Niwan Palace, the Sword Qi Heavenly Palace carry