
t the rhythm. Immortal music falls on the world.

The clear jade light poured in in reverse, covering up the gilded divine flower. For a moment, the volume of “Jade Book” was reflected in the pillar of divine light, revealing the blank space in it towards Chu Weiyang. A jade slip.
Therefore, some kind of blissful thought has already been reflected in the mind of the Taoist along with the influx of divine wisdom.
The next moment, Chu Weiyang’s illusive and hazy figure grasped the talisman pen in his hand and pointed towards the “Jade Album” hanging in the air.
/The clear brilliance of the jade light condensed into ink stains falling on it.
“Lingmiao Zhenren who wrote the classics and returned to the Yuan Dynasty”
This is like a reenactment of a certain scene in the Sanyuan Realm in the past, but when Chu Weiyang used this method to write down his name in the “Jade Book”, In an instant, the jade light filled the sky surged in again, shrouding Chu Weiyang’s aura figure hanging in the air.
It was as if the originally agile phantom had turned into some mysterious imprint-like concept at this moment.
This is the process in which everything that really happened in the passage of time was imprinted in the “Jade Book”.
And it was during this process that the corner of the talisman paper that had been repeatedly written with the talisman and seal patterns by Chu Weiyang’s pen for a long time suddenly emerged from the gilded golden divine flower that had been hazy for a long time. The cultivators were watching.
That seems to be where the sutra should be headed.
At this moment, Chu Weiyang still kept raising his hand, grabbing the talisman pen and pointing towards the “Jade Album”, but at this moment, the clear jade light, gilded divine flowers, and Ten Thousand Gu Blood Ink, three completely different streams of light blended into a truly pure and ultimate black color in front of Chu Weiyang.
Then, under the hole light of “Jade Book”, this line of mysterious ink suddenly swallowed up the roiling energy in all directions, and then fell like light rain, until the ink dots were suddenly dripping on that area. At the header of the page spirit talisman paper.
In an instant, several seal characters that followed the same talisman and seal pattern of the sutra, and were completely deduced by Chu Weiyang on his own, scattered among the black ink dots.
“Xuanhe Fazu Yuanshuo Nine Refinements and Three Combinations to Return to Yuan Blood Spirit Seal Seal Secret Code”
And when such seal patterns were naturally revealed in the human world, and reflected in the gazes of all the cultivators who cast their gazes across the sky, there were even more black ink marks that fell on them at this moment. At the edge of this large talisman paper, the ink marks gradually faded.
On the entire side of the talisman paper, the black ink marks turned into layers of cloud patterns on the edges of the four sides. The only difference from the ordinary cloud patterns is that this originally simple pattern has more and more exotic features from ti