
ust a few moves. There were very few places where the apricot-yellow flags were actually used. few.

But as long as it is used, it will be earth-shattering!
Boom boom boom!
In the continuous rumbling sound like thunder, not only the torrent of spells illuminated by Taoist Xiao Meng of Shangming Palace was crumbling, but also Hu Daozi of the Five Elements Sect, who was stunned by the unprecedented violent shock, was also in Hongzhong Dalu. In front of the voice, I was awakened.
Almost identical thoughts emerged from Hu Daozi’s mind.
It’s just that unlike Taoist Xiao Meng who was frightened to death by Chu Weiyang’s murderous thoughts, what emerged from Hu Daozi’s mind for no reason was a complex mood intertwined with sadness and mission.
Senior Brother guessed wrong!
Everyone guessed wrong!
Not the Shenxiao Sect! Not Huanghua Sect! Not even Shangming Palace!
The one who really took away the foundation of the Five Elements Sect was the casual cultivator! It’s the Five Poisons Taoist! It’s the Lord of Langxiao Mountain!
He must escape! This news must be passed on to the master!
/Perhaps, this is the only opportunity for the master to make up for everything when the Dharma lineage has passed away!
If we miss this moment, even the foundation of the sect’s holy land and great religion may continue to wither, like a landslide, and it may be unstoppable. Even the great monks in the golden elixir realm may not be able to save anything.
After all, blindly heading towards Shenxiao Sect and Huanghua Sect is just adding mistake to mistake.
If you think about it this way, the rise and fall of the sect seems to depend on you alone!
The moment he thought of this, an unprecedented majestic emotion arose in Hu Daozi’s mind.
Then, Hu Daozi also made a far more decisive choice than Taoist Xiao Meng. In almost an instant, he formed a seal with one hand and pressed it on his heart.
In an instant, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Hu Daozi’s heart. When the sleeves and robes were raised again, the five-element seal pattern was revealed again. The blood mist dispersed in the mid-air, and as time went on, it was fused together with the five-element seal pattern.
They are originally Taoist energy machines that come from the same source. There is almost no process of smelting each other, and they suddenly merge into one. Then, among the five colors, the aura of the seal pattern becomes more and more extraordinary.
/In an instant, five-color divine flowers soared into the sky! The momentum of the sound was far greater than the thirty-six talismans, and far greater than the Lang Huan seal patterns activated by Chu Weiyang.
But Chu Weiyang was watching from a distance, and suddenly showed a half-smile.
To be honest, one should not show such emotions in front of disciples of the Five Elements Sect, but Chu Weiyang, who has a rich foundation of the Five Elements, looked at the Five Elements seal pattern that seemed to be a harmonious and harmonious one, but suddenly felt something different. It feels like Hu Da