
und of wind blowing by, and saw a flash of white light from the corner of his eye. In his astonishment, the long knife he held high broke into two pieces.

He felt a chill in his heart and looked warily at the smiling Lu Bei, wondering what other sinister trick this man had come up with.
“Master, please keep someone under the knife. If you have something to say, please speak it out. Fighting and killing will only hurt your kindness. Just now, you two were sitting together drinking!”
Lu Bei persuaded him kindly and said with a smile: “According to the order, the bandit leader deserves to die, but this Ziwei thinks that there are two kinds of death, one is to die with a word of ah, and the next life is to be a good man again. The other is to be ah. Ah, it has been gone for a long time. I regret that I was a good man in this life, and I wish to be just a pig or dog in the next life.”
“A dog thief can kill with just a nod of his head.”
Hearing the meaning of Lu Bei’s words, Ma Fei roared because his eyes were split, and he wiped the broken knife towards his neck.
A white beam flashed past, Ma Feiwei was holding the empty handle of the knife, his face full of flesh was filled with confusion.
“What a man who kills people without nodding his head. Many people must have said this to you.”
Lu Bei grinned, and his body became a shadow, covering the heads of the two of them for a moment: “Something happened between you two. Accompany Lu to Xuanyin Division and have fun!”
Above the cottage, two screams suddenly stopped.
Suddenly, a strong wind blew, golden light spread across the sky, and the big roc swallowed up the whole mountain in the strong wind, fluttering its wings and hiding in the clouds.
/After a while, a group of ragged men and women stepped out of the prison and saw that there was no one around the village. There were only two large pots of food stewed in them. They swarmed over and started gobbling up the food.
There are businesses, there are people, there are meat tickets, there are meat
They had not been full for many days and suddenly ate meat and fish. Most of the people in the group vomited and then wolfed down the food again.
Lu Beimao was behind the wall, rubbing a golden sword in his hand.
It was the first time I had done something wrong, and I was a little excited thinking about it.
He is not a meddlesome person. The task given by his superiors is to kill the bandits and leave his master as a warning to others. However, in cultivating an immortal, what matters is having a clear idea.
If you don’t have clear thoughts and have the qualifications like him, your future cultivation path will be quite difficult.
If others do not serve themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth (×)
If others do not serve themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth (√)
“Just a golden sword is far from enough. Rebellion is such a big deal, and it’s hard to convince the public without a national jade seal.”
/“By the way, what words are engraved on the jade seal of the wor