
y will not provide any evidence at all.

y will not provide any evidence at all.
In the past, the Security Bureau’s work has always been based on free evidence. As long as the person under suspicion cannot prove his innocence, he is a suspect.
As for what kind of treatment you will enjoy after becoming a suspect, there is no need to mention it. Yan Jiucheng uses these methods every day and is deeply aware of their horror. She does not want to be the one being dealt with at all.
These explanations are long, but the cause and effect are not difficult to understand. Li Yongsheng did not expect it at first, but once he thought of this aspect, he understood it instantly.
Li is not a good player in conspiracy, but his IQ is not bad.
At the same time, Wei Yue was speaking with a livid face, “I don’t care how difficult it is, I just want the result, just the result! If the background of the assassin cannot be found within three days, think about the consequences yourself!”
Ning Zhiyuan was assassinated. Dongcheng is not a particularly sensitive area, but the director of the Royal Horse Prison was assassinated in the capital. The nature of this is really not ordinary.
When Wei Yue learned the news, he cursed, “Hold the grass!”
He had been wallowing in the center of power for many years, and he instantly realized that he was suspected of assassinating Ning Zhiyuan, and he also had the strength.
There is no need to mention the grievances in Eunuch Wei’s heart. I have already decided not to confront Ning Zhiyuan head-on.
Regardless of whether it is public or private, he must attach great importance to this case – openly attacking the twelve inner court supervisors in the capital. This is not provocation at all, but rampant!
There were three attackers, and a woman blocked the road to complain. Ning Zhiyuan got excited and stopped the carriage to seek justice. Unexpectedly, someone hit him with a talisman next to him.
There was a talisman on the carriage, but the attacker, being a cultivator, shattered the carriage’s talisman in one attack.
Immediately afterwards, the second attack came like a shadow – it was still a transformation.
This blow directly smashed the amulet on Ning Zhiyuan’s body to pieces.
When the two cultivators saw that the attack was successful, they split up and ran away without any hesitation.
Almost at the same time that the two people were withdrawing, the female cultivator who blocked the road and complained about the injustice blew herself up – the co-cultivator was also a cultivator who had suppressed his cultivation.
/Si Xiu’s self-destruction was terrifying. Not only did Ning Zhiyuan make matters worse, but the neighboring houses were also affected, with the number of casualties exceeding double digits.
The most terrible thing is that the purpose of this woman’s self-destruction was not just to kill people. She used a weird secret technique to disrupt the secret of heaven.
In other words, cultivators who want to use heaven’s secrets to deduce have no use – there are people in the Chao’an Bureau who are good