
mind rooms for testing.

mind rooms for testing.
Li Yongsheng’s ranking was relatively low. After an hour, apart from the seminarians in the room, there were only about thirty seminarians left without the test.
At this moment, a group of people came over. A teacher in front led the team and said hello to the teacher in charge of the test, “Please pause for a moment. I only have about twenty people here. The test will be completed in a while.
” The instructor frowned unhappily, “I said, there has to be a first-come, first-served basis, right?” “It
will be over in a moment,” the new instructor smiled, “For the foreign student class, there is no way, these guys are difficult to take care of.”
The instructor who took the test was very upright, and most martial arts cultivators were like that. He said unhappily, “Your international student class has arranged time, so why take our time?” The
new instructor spread his hands and smiled bitterly. He replied, “Brother, please give me some face. These guys are clamoring to go home as soon as possible. Can you be considerate?”
The priest was at a loss. He glanced at the seminarians waiting for the test and said, “In this case, you can follow it on your own. Let the seminarians discuss it. If they agree, I have no objection.” The
new instructor took a step forward, raised his fists at the seminarians, and spoke politely, “Everyone, we are in a hurry, so please be considerate.”
However, his politeness could only go so far. The next moment he waved his hand and said, “Hurry up and hurry up.”
More than twenty international students gathered around in a coaxing manner, each choosing a different idea and waiting at the door.
At this time, the martial arts cultivator gave up. Some people murmured in a low voice, “Did we promise you to be considerate?”
Some even cursed, “Fuck, who is not in a hurry?”
However, everyone continued to scold, The teaching of religious teachings to seminarians is a matter of course. Regardless of whether they are seminarians in Chaoyang Daxiu Hall, they have a bright future, and many of them have deep backgrounds. They cannot bear the charge of disrespecting their teachers.
Especially for this little thing, it’s not worth it.
In the thought room where Li Yongsheng was waiting, there was another person lined up in front of him. It was Ming Xiaomei, but she didn’t react at all.
Most of the time those international students are looking for, there is only one person left in the queue – in this way, even if they jump in line, they will only affect one person.
But someone happened to stand in front of Ming Xiaomei and looked at Li Yongsheng with a half-smile.
This guy is none other than Anbeke from the Anhan tribe of the Crescent Moon Country.
At this moment, he had a mean look on his face, and all he could do was say clearly: If you don’t accept it, come and beat me.
Li Yongsheng was very unhappy, so he asked Ming Xiaomei, “Do you allow him to jump in line?”
/Ming Xiaomei looked at him helplessly and said to herself, “I can’t beat him. If you want