
him to the dormitory for foreign students. After thinking about it, he finally did not go in. “Well, you go in and settle in first. If you don’t know where the cafeteria is, I will wait for you here.”

him to the dormitory for foreign students. After thinking about it, he finally did not go in. “Well, you go in and settle in first. If you don’t know where the cafeteria is, I will wait for you here.”
Invite to the rhythm of dinner? Li Yongsheng thought about it, and finally shook his head with a smile, “It’s already a lot of trouble for me, senior.” “I’ll
see you later,” Senior Sister Qin hesitated, then turned and left. After walking about seven or eight feet, she even looked back. .
Seeing that strong figure walking into the dormitory area, she twitched the corners of her mouth slightly and left quickly.
Li Yongsheng lives in Gengzi Building, a three-story one-sided building with the corridor on one side and the rooms on the other side.
He came to room 303 and found that two classmates had already moved in. One of them had brought a servant to help make the bed and arrange the furniture.
The room is actually not too small, with four beds for four students and a lot of open space. The furniture this classmate brought turned out to be a three-door wardrobe.
This classmate arrived early and had already occupied the bunk next to the window, but he had to place the wardrobe next to it, which invisibly blocked part of the window.
/Chapter 2 The Legend of Free Tuition
Li Yongsheng is not a meddlesome person, but when he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but say, “I said, this wardrobe is too wide and blocks everyone’s lighting.”
That classmate is not short. , with thin skin and tender flesh, a hooked nose and thin lips, and a mean face. When he heard the words, he turned around and found that the speaker was a disheveled student, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, “My bed is here. .”
He only said five words and didn’t explain much, but not explaining is a kind of arrogance in itself.
Li Yongsheng’s original intention was to stay here for at least three years in the future. He was willing to have a good relationship with his roommate, but since the other party had this attitude, he didn’t bother to say more.
Another classmate, on the other hand, greeted him with a smile, “Hello, I am Hu Lianwang, from Jingjiang Prefecture.”
“Hu Lianwang, I know you,” Li Yongsheng nodded. He was also from Jingjiang Prefecture, “Fucheng Gao. I’m Li Yongsheng from the Jia Xiu Academy. I
’m the one from the High Cultivation Academy.” “So it’s you!” Hu Lianwang nodded. Li Yongsheng ranked first in the Jingjiang Prefecture in this assessment competition, but the number of places in the main academy in the capital was limited. When he came to Bolingben Monastery, everyone knew that this person was an orphan, otherwise he would not have been robbed of his place.
While they were talking, four more people walked in from the outside. The first one was a tall woman, and behind her was an even taller—fat guy to be exact.
This guy is almost six feet tall and seems to have a waist circumference of six feet. He is very fat. This kind of body shape is extremely rare among cultivators.
“Everyone,” he raised his h