
ought about leaving the city, and then asked.

“It’s not a big deal, but he won’t be able to go out for a while!” Jim replied with a smile and shook his head. He then continued: “DeQuincey has always wanted to thank you, and we will hang out together when we have time!”
“Okay, you can choose a place then!” David nodded and responded.
The five people nearby watched the two chatting as if no one was around. Although they wanted to make some move, they saw that although Jim kept chatting, the hand holding the gun was very stable, so they gave up the idea.
When fifteen minutes passed, three military transport spacecraft flew from the sky.
“Jim, am I not late?” A staff sergeant jumped out of the military transport spacecraft and greeted Jim with a smile.
“Edgar, you already know the situation. Just treat it as training and renovate this yard. Use the extra batch of materials from my shooting gallery!” Jim put away the weapon, smiled and stepped forward to punch. , and then said.
“No problem, these guys under me are too idle, help them find something to do!” Sergeant Edgar nodded in response, then smiled and patted the place where he was hit and said: “You don’t have the strength. Know your skills!”
“David, this is Edgar, if you have any requests, just ask.” Jim turned to introduce David.
/David watched the exchange between Jim and Sergeant Edgar and knew that the relationship between them was extremely close. It was very likely that Sergeant Edgar was Lieutenant Eaton’s loyal subordinate.
“Sergeant Edgar, please excuse me!” David said politely.
“David, you are Jim’s friend and my Edgar’s friend. Just call me by my name. I am an engineer and I don’t have the rules of those soldiers!” Sergeant Edgar said enthusiastically.
David expressed his thoughts. In fact, he didn’t care about anything else. He only needed to strengthen the place and then open a 20-meter by 20-meter basement entrance in the yard to connect to the basement below.
“It will be done in four hours!” Sergeant Edgar said confidently after hearing the request.
“Edgar, give David two defensive heavy machine guns and charge them to the shooting gallery!” Jim suggested from the side.
“Jim, I’ll pay for this credit myself. You’ve helped enough!” David immediately interrupted.
“David, you saved my life. I can help you get some weapons. In the future, when you go to Naan University, I won’t be able to help you even if I want to!” Jim waved his hand and said.
At this time, twenty soldiers wearing engineering maintenance armor jumped out of the three military transport spaceships and started working without saying a word.
The five intruders and Nellie were all pale with shock at this scene. The five intruders did not know what these soldiers would do to them, while Nellie was afraid that if she concealed the situation of this house, she would be exposed. Wei retaliates.
/Several people knew in their hearts that this kind of person who could call in troops at will was not someone they could offend.
On Rock Planet, even if you offend the police, don’t of