
er regardless.

But everything was too late. After Chaofan who was blocking General Andre fell softly to the ground, General Andre was exposed in front of four level three Zerg.
The invited people on Planet 1, as well as the federal citizens watching the live broadcast, all saw that their most beloved Generalissimo Andre was about to be killed by the Level 3 Zerg.
At this moment, a golden figure appeared next to Marshal Andre. This figure was David.
David pulled Marshal Andre behind him with one hand, and struck out with a third-grade heavy ax with the other hand. At the same time, his body made a slight dodge movement.
In order to arrive in time, David unleashed all his available natural abilities, turning on ‘Ultimate Speed’, ‘Physique Enhancement’, ‘Power Shock’, ‘Power Enhancement’ and ‘Power Overlap’.
I even used ‘high frequency sound wave’ once on the way, but ‘high frequency sound wave’ did not have any effect.
He only had time to save General Andre when he was in danger. Then, the ‘Spiritual Cutting Heavy Ax Technique’ was activated, and the spiritual line connected with the ‘Phantom Millipede’. When the third-level heavy ax was struck, the ghost was reflected. Can’t see clearly.
/The head of the ‘Phantom Millipede’ was split into two pieces, and its mental thread was immediately transferred to another nearby ‘Phantom Millipede’.
The third-grade heavy ax continued to slash across, and the mental line accelerated again. The crazy ‘Phantom Millipede’ did not have time to dodge, or in other words, the ‘Phantom Millipede’ did not make a dodge action at all, and was avoided by its head.
But David did not pay a price. Three slender forelimbs pierced his concierge exoskeleton armor. This completely defenseless exoskeleton armor did not play any protective role.
Fortunately, David had been bursting with energy. His whole body was completely covered by his spirit. He could clearly feel the stabbing process of the three slender forelimbs, which gave him the opportunity to dodge as much as possible.
Three slender forelimbs pierced his body, but he avoided all the vital points.
Although it looked very scary on the surface, with three slender forelimbs piercing his body, he knew that the injury did not cause any damage to his internal organs, and even the larger blood vessels were deliberately moved out of the way.
If these ‘Phantom Millipedes’ could still maintain their intelligence, then David would never be able to dodge the vital points so easily.
There was also a ‘Cyclops Beetle’ and a ‘Phantom Millipede’ in front of David. At this time, the red light emitted from the single eye of the ‘Cyclops Beetle’ was shooting towards him and Marshal Andre.
The ‘Phantom Millipede’ also stabbed David with its remaining legs. Even the other three ‘Cyclops Beetles’ were extraordinary, including two ‘White Wolf Ant King’ and one ‘Phantom Millipede’ After entangled, the other three extraordinary people wanted to get close to Marshal Andre, but were blocked.
David sensed the extreme danger. If there was just a ‘Cyclops