
en Wang, the influence of these laws The fluctuations are a bit too shallow.

For the first time in the Shattered Void, it was not considered dangerous for the three of them. Along the way, they picked up a lot of void gems. These are gems condensed by the compression of the void. They possess part of the power of space and can be used to refine them. The super giant universe bag is a space treasure, but this map also saves a lot of time. You must know that it is easy to get lost in this kind of place, and it is quite troublesome once you get lost.
Arriving at the second level of the void, Ma Tianer put away the map. Once here, it was an unknown territory.
“It’s more interesting here.”
/Ma Tianer said that the second level of the Broken Void Secret Realm is called the Void Wind Realm. Here, the surface of the void seems to be stable, without those tiny void cracks, but in fact, there are not only void cracks here, And it’s the most terrifying one!
Just as he entered, a ferocious black beast came out of the void. Its body was covered with strange scales. These scales could rotate flexibly. As they rotated, they drove the power of the void to turn into black. Alien spiritual power surrounds it.
The black beast locked onto Wang Meng and the others. It was obvious that this area was its hunting ground.
“It’s a void mantis beast. There is a group of void beasts that specialize in hunting other creatures living in the second level. The void is as comfortable as their home,” Ma Tian’er said.
Suo Ming’s eyes lit up, “Leave it to me.”
As he spoke, the war hammer came out from his hand and faced the Void Mantis directly.
With a bang, the pitch-black Void Mantis was knocked away more than ten feet by Suo Ming.
“Crack!” Void Mantis yelled, shook his body, and rushed towards Suo Ming. He actually withstood Suo Ming’s blow and was still fine.
“Well done.” Suo Ming’s eyes were filled with fire. The Void Mantis was not killed by his hammer. He wanted to see how strong this monster was in front of his war hammer.
/Suo Ming took one step forward. This step seemed simple, but in an instant, he crossed the distance of the void at extremely high speed and flew in front of the Void Mantis. Suo Ming hit it with another hammer.
The Void Mantis screamed strangely, but it did not dare to resist Suo Ming’s brute force. The figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared from behind Suo Ming. Two mantis claws silently slashed at Suo Ming’s head. passed.
The Void Mantis’ claws hit Suoming’s neck squarely, leaving only a faint mark.
In an instant, Suoming struck back with a hammer.
There was a loud noise, and the Void Mantis was smashed away again.
Suo Ming once again took a step forward and flashed in front of the Void Mantis. This was not a movement of the laws of space, but a speed that pure movement could achieve. Suo Ming had no idea about laws at all, but for his own However, Suo Ming can develop his body to one thousand percent. The way of cultivating strength does not require understanding