
er than ours. With her, Now, this trip will surely be more complete.”

“Then let’s go together.” Meng Ningzi said, glanced at the golden wolf mask on Wang Meng’s face, and then led everyone towards the God Conferred Tower.
When they came to a tower door, Meng Ningzi moved and opened up the space of the God-conferring Tower’s virtual sea of ??mist, and a group of people stepped into the space.
The space rippled and jumped, and Wang Meng saw a green world.
Surrounded by lush greenery, trees, flowers and plants exude a pleasant atmosphere under the sunshine. Walking there, it seems that you can forget your sorrows.
Among the greenery, there is a temple. The temple itself is a giant tree. A clear spring that comes from nowhere falls down from the giant branches, splashing on the ground and exploding a thin layer of water vapor, as if It’s time to reach fairyland.
“This is the Holy Tree Temple. There are seven found in the Void Mist Sea, including three outside the sea. This is one of them.” Meng Ningzi said lightly.
Above the fiftieth floor of the Conferred God Tower, each floor is a unique public space. Everyone enters the same space. It is no longer like before the fiftieth floor, where individuals open a separate space and the changes are relatively small. big.
At this time, Wang Meng’s spiritual consciousness unfolded. The laws of this temple were very unique. The combination of the laws of wood and water formed a sacred realm. Looking outward, there was a dense sea of ??fog. Wang Meng’s spiritual consciousness was affected by this sea of ??fog. The restriction of a strange law is unsustainable when it extends a hundred meters away. Of course, it would be another matter if Wang Meng used the power of his destiny.
“Let’s go, there’s still a long way to go to the inland sea.”
/Meng Ningzi said, holding a purple bow and taking the lead.
Wang Meng followed him, and after a moment, he stepped out of the protection of the Holy Tree Temple and stepped into the misty sea of ??fog.
Six hundred and fifty-six all the way
/Six hundred and fifty-six all the way
At this time, you can clearly feel the pressure of the law in the air. Wang Meng restrained his consciousness. The first two times he entered the God Conferred Tower caused abnormal fluctuations in the law. This time, Wang Meng came to help, so he naturally restrained himself. a little.
This was not the first time Meng Ningzi came to the fifty-ninth floor, but she usually practiced in the outer sea, and when she entered the inland sea, she was with Zhang Yang and the others.
At this time, the familiar road led everyone to the border of the inland sea.
At this time, you can clearly feel the difference between the inner and outer seas. Although the fog in the outer sea is thick, it is still. The fog in the inner sea is like layers of waves, constantly surging and rolling, exuding a cold breath. .
Jia Yuan’s pale face became even paler. At this time, Yi Qinwen and others took turns to support him, inputting real energy from time to time to replenish Jia Yuan’s