
ollowers of the evil god, they discovered this mount commonly used by the servants of the ancient gods.

In order to please the evil god, the followers of the evil god prepared to use the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ as a sacrifice in exchange for an increase in their own strength. Later, they were snatched away by the fifth-level Templar August.
/During the tens of thousands of years of the space transformation circle, the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ egg has been affected by space energy for a long time. In addition, the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ egg itself has variability, which makes the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ ‘The mutant abilities of today emerged.
Of course, this kind of mutation is not repeatable. No one would spend tens of thousands of years cultivating a ‘Shadow Pterosaur’, let alone control the uncontrollable mutation.
The reason why David is satisfied with the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’s’ innate ability to use space energy to be ‘invisible’ is that Shadow Wing uses the ‘invisibility’ ability in space.
Thinking about Shadow Warrior’s “invisibility” ability, it has only been discovered when encountering Gladstone, the God of Plague. At other times, Shadow Warrior’s “invisibility” is almost invincible.
After Shadow Warrior enters the ‘invisible’ state, all energy shields are ignored by it, and neither physical nor energy obstacles can block it.
David couldn’t wait for the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ to grow up quickly. He wanted to try whether he could become ‘invisible’ like the Shadow Warrior after riding on the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’.
This time will not take long. Under the effect of the third level of enhanced flesh and blood power, the body shape of the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ has increased a lot in a short period of time. If it continues like this, it will take up to three months. , riding the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ is no longer a dream.
David took out several books, which were sent by Armand’s fifth-level Templar and Anselm’s fifth-level Templar. All of them contained books related to the ‘Shadow Pteranodon’.
This is what Armand’s fifth-level Templar and Anselm’s fifth-level Templar promised David, and through their relationship, the two fifth-level Templars also borrowed books with the content of “Shadow Pteranodon”. They also spent a lot of money to obtain it and sent it over together.
David’s hand touching the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ was real in time and space. The invisible ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ could not even be touched by David’s hand. When it appeared, it was touched by David’s hand. This made the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ ‘I was very happy and thought it was David playing a game with it.
Due to the connection of the life-sharing contract, David also felt the emotions of the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’, and a smile appeared on his face.
Because he had his own planet, all his pets except two level four Zerg were released.
The role of the fourth-level Zerg is already very small for David, but he is reluctant to give up them.
Not to mention that the ‘Sonic Boom Iron Beetle’ and the ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’ have been with him