
d of Storms and represents the interests of the Church of Storms in the political arena. The punishers will definitely be frantically looking for the real culprit. There is no need for us to get involved, as that will easily lead to conflicts with them. Let’s check it out. By investigating other cases involving tarot cards, we might find new clues. Of course, we will inevitably run around because of this, but this is the duty of Red Gloves.” Sost explained with a smile.

Leonard nodded:
“I see.”
But in his mind, the slightly old voice said with a smile:
“The Nighthawks were missed like this. That person smelled like the Black Emperor, the real Black Emperor.”
Inside the Holy Wind Cathedral.
Wearing a black soft hat, “Singer of the Gods” Acesneck glanced at his silver eyes and said to the selected elite punishers:
/“Although I am about to leave Backlund, this is the decision of the Cardinal Council.
“You have only one task next, and that is to investigate the assassination of Duke Negan.
“After declaration, you have the right to use level 1 sealed objects. You must find out who is targeting us.”
Standing at the front, a middle-aged man wearing a modified captain’s hat immediately led the crowd, made a fist with his hand, tapped his chest and said:
“As you command, Your Excellency Cardinal”
He is lean and unremarkable, but he has an anchor-shaped black and blue tattoo on his neck.
Queens, in the luxurious villa of Earl Hall’s family.
Audrey looked at Susie who opened the door and came in, and said in a low voice:
“Dad, what are they discussing?”
After discovering that Earl Hall came back very late and his expression was unusually solemn, she immediately sent her golden retriever dog Susie to sneak in to listen.
“Duke Negan was assassinated.” Susie closed the door and said.
“Ah” Audrey was stunned for a moment, suspecting that she heard wrongly.
Although she had already experienced an assassination of Duke Negan, she never thought that this extremely powerful nobleman would actually die as a result.
“Really.” Susie replied affirmatively.
Audrey was suddenly confused and felt that it was not real enough.
Such a great nobleman, such a duke of flesh and blood, who could speak and laugh, and who also gave himself a manor, died like this.
Suddenly, she realized the cruelty and coldness of the adult world.
“Who did it?” Audrey asked subconsciously.
/“A Sequence 5 demon.” Susie answered quickly, “But he has been silenced by that thieves and the Black Emperor.”
“Ah” Audrey was stunned again.
How could he be the thief “Black Emperor”? How could he be Mr. Fool’s favored one?
He just helped me solve the crisis when Duke Negan was assassinated last time.
This is completely contradictory
Audrey immediately told Susie to go and listen again, while she locked the door of her room, sat by the bed, and prayed to Mr. Fool.
After reciting the honorary name and describing the assassination of Duke Negan, she asked with great trust:
“Your beloved is present”
After a while, she saw the boundless gray fog and h