
gure twisted and squirmed, gradually disintegrating into nothingness in the flowing silver light.

Colin Iliad withdrew his sword, straightened up, and looked around. He saw that the two elders of the “Six-person Council”, Waite and Lovia, had also solved the corresponding targets and cleared a clean area by the river. area.
At this time, on the illusive and dark river, a gloomy boat came from the opposite side and docked silently on the shore.
Seeing this scene, Colin exhaled slowly and whispered to himself with a calm expression:
“The Ferryman”
He and the former chief in the mausoleum have worked together for a long time, and are quite familiar with each other. He knows that the other party has been troubled by the Silver City. Due to the lack of the “Giant” Path Sequence 3 “Silver Knight” potion formula, he has become a demigod and can no longer People who can be promoted have plans to transfer to a similar sequence, and this plan showed signs of success during an exploration, because they found the potion formula for sequence 3 of the “Phoenix” pathway:
“The Ferryman”
Since then, the former chief began to build the mausoleum, and eventually moved in and sealed the entrance.
After observing quietly for a while with dark green eyes, Colin Iliad said slowly:
“Take the boat over.”
Waite and Lovia did not express any objection, fully trusting the chief’s judgment, followed him closely, and boarded the gloomy and strange boat.
During this process, the three of them did not hesitate, neither looked around nor paused, as if they were not exploring, but visiting with a definite destination.
The boat started slowly and sailed through the illusory dark water, dragging out a long trace.
The bloody arms and greasy tentacles were grabbing wildly upwards and slapping the hull of the ship, but they failed to leave any traces or cause the slightest impact.
In just ten seconds, the three elders of the “Six-person Council” arrived on the other side of the illusory river.
There is an altar standing here, with a heavy iron-black coffin placed on it.
Colin Iliad immediately jumped out of the boat and drew another straight sword with his backhand. Compared with before, he was now more cautious and serious.
Immediately afterwards, Waite carried the iron-gray hammer and dropped it heavily to the shore, causing the surrounding land to visibly tremble.
He looked at the huge coffin surrounded by monster skulls, took two steps forward, put the long hammer in front of him, and took off the dragon hunting bow on his back.
/At this moment, Waite suddenly felt a little itchy on the back of his hand. He subconsciously looked down and saw that in the pores of the skin there, white fine hairs stained with yellow oil were growing out vigorously, getting bigger and bigger.
In Port Bodo, Klein fed his “creeping hunger”, found a messy hotel, and opened a room that could barely be called clean.
/Then, he walked four steps backward and arrived above the gray mist.
Sitting in the seat of “The Fool”, Klein first took out the Azik Bronze