
, and I was in charge of the power of the earth in the four extremes and the eight wastelands. , the disciples will take the title of Emperor of the Earth, and I will be the Emperor of the Earth!”

“Emperor of Earth?”
The other immortal gods from the Three Emperors Heaven Realm looked at him one after another, with slight surprise in their eyes.
The title of Emperor of the Earth is not ordinary.
This is the Lord of the Earth.
However, there were many tyrannical Shinto emperors with the title of Emperor Hedi. They were only slightly surprised but did not care.
What they were concerned about was that Zhang Jian actually dreamed back to ancient times, and even met the ancient goddess Nuwa.
/He was actually valued by the ancient goddess Nuwa and received the imperial seal.
King Yu’s eyes were a little shaken.
He thought for a while, but in the end he did not directly ask about the exit, but planned to discuss it separately after returning.
However, the name of the Earth Emperor and Dao Lord will eventually be spread throughout the heavens and the world along with the various omens of the Three Emperors and Heavens.
King Yu also took the opportunity to announce that he would hold a Taoist Enlightenment Banquet for Zhang Jian three hundred years later. At that time, he would welcome the Three Emperors of Heaven and all the immortals of the Central Heaven to go there.
The gods agreed one after another, and then dispersed.
Many immortals left with excited faces.
The successful enlightenment of Emperor Daojun of the Earth was a huge inspiration to many immortals and gods.
After leaving Sanhuangtai, Zhang Jian followed King Yu back to Tongshan Taoism.
Many disciples in the Tongshan Taoist tradition have received the news that Zhang Jianzheng has become the Taoist Lord.
At this time, many disciples of Tongshan Taoism came to greet him in front of the mountain gate, with joy in their eyes.
The leader is Qingyuan Patriarch, followed by the Fire God, Red Eyebrow Immortal, Yinming Emperor, Tianyu Taoist, Chufa Patriarch, and Zidian Patriarch.
Only the twelfth-ranked Tianyun Taoist went on an expedition to the heavenly realm and never returned.
Under the second-generation disciples, there are many third-generation disciples, including Taoist Jueming, Taoist Wuliang, Taoist Burning Bones, Taoist Qingyun, True Monarch Killing Demons, Taoist Bauhinia, and Taoist Zhuxing.
/These are familiar faces.
There are also many human world immortals who have ascended from other realms.
In addition, there are some fourth-generation disciples, such as Taoist Fuyou, the head of the fourth-generation disciples of Tongshan Taoism in Zhoushan Realm, who has also ascended at this time.
However, at this time, the most congratulatory person among the immortals was the ancestor of the Dharma Killer and the Demon-Slaying True Monarch.
This time, the division lineage did not give birth to an immortal king or a heavenly king, but a Taoist king.
The supreme power that holds the power between heaven and earth.
From this point alone, the