
lace and announced the appointment at the same time, which instantly caused billions of waves in the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.

This is the 109th Taoist Master of the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.
It’s just that the status of Zhang Jian, the master of Qinglian Taoism, is too special, and he can almost reach the sky in one step.
What an honor it is to be inferior to one person in Danque Dao Palace and superior to hundreds of millions of gods.
/This naturally attracted the attention of many tyrannical innate gods.
But most Taoist masters are still convinced by this. What this new Qinglian Taoist has done in the infinite earth lungs is not something that any god can do!
In Danque Taoist Palace, Zhang Jian received the corresponding jade pendant and divine robe, and then came to the temporary residence.
The construction of his official residence is under construction.
It will take some time to take shape.
/Zhang Jian was not in a hurry.
Since the Nine God Emperors want to open up a separate human world next, they naturally have to make some preparations and refine some magical weapons that will open up the world.
It’s just that he has plenty of time.
The human world was opened up 180,000 years later.
That was the auspicious time calculated by Yuan Huang, the master of the Taoist court.
The master of the Taoist court seemed to have other considerations and chose a very special time.
Chapter 714 The Golden Phoenix Opens the Sky
Origin of China, Danque Taoist Palace
The boundless earth’s origin energy gathers in Danque Taoist Palace, and the boundless earth’s energy gathers here from all directions in the Jinyuan Heaven Realm, faintly forming a scene of dozens of magnificent earth ancestral veins guarding it.
Diyuan Shenzhou has also benefited greatly from this.
Deep in the newly built Qinglian Dao Master’s mansion, the heavenly splendor is flowing from it, and the immeasurable Heavenly Sound of the Dao is faintly manifesting from it.
On the cloud platform, Zhang Jian sat cross-legged, with colorful fairy lights flying around him. A magnificent purple-yellow dragon-shaped fairy light appeared behind him. There was a faint sound of thunder as the fairy light flowed. Look carefully. It is as if a magnificent tunnel map has emerged from it, showing the magnificent scene of billions of heavens and earth, the universe changing, states and continents changing, and countless beings growing old, sick and dying.
A majestic and vast divine wheel bloomed from the back of his head.
However, the most striking thing among them is the radiance of the divine wheel that blooms from the two major powers. One is the radiance of the divine wheel of the Emperor of Heaven.
The second is the Earth Emperor Treasure Wheel that manifests the personality of the Earth Emperor Taoist Master.
At this time, above the Dao Fruit Qingyun, there were eighteen great cloud lights of perfection, as well as bright golden lamps condensed and formed, like a hole shining through the heavens in all directions. Finally, a bright jade bead of jade-colored