

Li Xiaolei, Gao Yanan and Wu Na left the house early and waited in the lobby. Hao Yingliang, Du Qian and Hongfeng Company General Manager Yu Lin were chatting with them in the teahouse, chatting and laughing, and seemed to be having a good time.
“Mr. Hao, Miss Du, we are ready. Just put your luggage in the car and leave. How are you preparing? When do you plan to return home together?”
“Han Bureau, we are also ready. Let’s get on the highway together and give you a ride.” Cheng.”
“I should be the one to see you off.”
Han Bo held Hao Yingliang’s hand tightly, turned around and said with a smile: “All beauties, let’s go. If you have anything to say, get in the car and say it.”
“Right away!”
Li Xiaolei glared at her husband and said, She held Du Qian’s arm and chuckled: “Be sure to inform me when the date is set. I will be your bridesmaid, and Han Bo can be the best man for Mr. Hao. Our wedding was too simple back then, just one meal, not lively at all, so I can lend you two Wear a dress again when you get married.”
“How is that possible? It’s settled.”
“Mr. Hao, Sissy, I’m sorry, I may not have the chance to attend your wedding. If you have the chance to go to Hong Kong, be sure to contact me. Come to Dongping You have treated me so warmly and asked me to fulfill my duties as a landlord even when I am in Hong Kong.” Jiang Yanan took Du Qian’s hand and looked apologetic.
Hao Yingliang said polite words, but he was happy in his heart.
/What is the concept of Li Xiaolei being their bridesmaid and Han Bo being their best man? This means that the relationship between the two families has reached a very close level. This couple is rich, powerful, and has such a strong government background. It is interesting to make friends with such people!
The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.
You can only have heart-to-heart conversations with them, but you can’t talk about money. Giving some money or other valuable things is really vulgar to them.
Hao Yingliang did not prepare anything else, so he prepared a basket of fruits, sent everyone to the car with a smile, and then reluctantly got into his Mercedes and followed Wu Na’s red BMW.
“Finally no need to act, but Han Bo, I think this guy is not bad!” After closing the car door, Li Xiaolei was relieved, took off her shoes in a very shameless manner, and lay down comfortably on the passenger seat.
Han Bo turned his head to look at the rearview mirror and said nonchalantly: “If I could let you see it, would he be able to get away with it today?”
/This is a major matter and official business.
Wu Na didn’t want to interrupt, she held the basket and distributed the fruits with a peaceful smile on her face.
Jiang Yanan was different from her. He was already very strong, and he had been playing an indispensable role in the past few days. He leaned on the back of the driver’s seat and muttered: “Boss, I don’t know whether the person named Hao is a bad person.” Come out, but Du Qian will never be a bad person. A woman’s self-consciousness