
ssor, you cannot only undertake training tasks.

ssor, you cannot only undertake training tasks.
He stepped onto the podium again and taught students at the school.
The course schedule is not as full as the full-time teachers, but there are many courses, including investigation, criminal techniques, economic investigation, and law. As long as you know something, you can teach them all.
These specially prepared teaching materials can be used not only in the police academy, but also after taking office.
How could the criminal investigation system of the Dongping City Bureau have made such a big mistake? Why did people know the law and break the law during the handling of the 12.18 case? To a large extent, it has to do with the failure to keep up with business training and legal training. When he served as the leader of the technical investigation detachment in the Nangang City Bureau, his colleagues nicknamed him “Han Training” behind his back. As long as it would help improve the quality of the team, Han Bo didn’t care about being a “Han Training” again.
/It was the weekend off, and Li Xiaolei was busy soliciting investments and couldn’t rest. Naturally, Han Bo wouldn’t stay at home alone.
You have to make use of these two days. Go to the Provincial Command Center to “make soy sauce”. Sitting in the last row, you can learn how many alarms the Dongping Municipal Bureau 110 Command Center has received, how many of them are valid alarms, and the number of valid alarms. How many traffic accidents, how many security cases, and how many criminal cases are there.
With the consent of Deputy Director Zhang, I went to the Petition Office to read the petition materials about the Dongping Municipal Bureau.
Whether the public security in a place is good, which types of cases occur more often, and what shortcomings exist in the process of handling cases can basically be analyzed from these data and petition materials.
Finally, we came to the conclusion that the situation is not optimistic!
/Specific to the criminal investigation department, it is mainly reflected in the low case detection rate, large backlog of cases, numerous legal-related petitions, low morale of the team, low legal awareness of case handlers, and weak professional capabilities.
The criminal police is only a branch of the public security agency. Most of the criminal police in the criminal investigation detachment and district and county public security bureaus are also a department of the public security agency. Three feet of ice is not frozen in a day. There are many reasons for these problems. We want to solve them through the criminal investigation department. It is obviously unrealistic to achieve the purpose of reversing the public security in Dongping due to existing problems.
What did the superiors think about it? If there was no leadership support and insufficient funds, what role could I have played in the past?
He had never encountered anything like this before. The more Han Bo thought about it, the more headache he got.
After reading the last petition materials, I was about