
and then made two phone calls, both asking for leave. One was to his roommate in the dormitory, and the other was to the grade counselor. He said that there was a cultural gathering in Imperial City, and he, a newcomer in the literary world, was also invited. Among them were many literary seniors and academic figures, so it was really hard for him, a young man who was just a late-schooler, not to go.

and then made two phone calls, both asking for leave. One was to his roommate in the dormitory, and the other was to the grade counselor. He said that there was a cultural gathering in Imperial City, and he, a newcomer in the literary world, was also invited. Among them were many literary seniors and academic figures, so it was really hard for him, a young man who was just a late-schooler, not to go.
Naturally, several roommates in the dormitory were envious of this; counselor Xie Jia promised repeatedly without any hesitation, saying that she would help him ask for leave from his subject teacher, explain the situation, and let him leave with peace of mind. Meetings are the most important thing.
Just after hanging up Xie Jia’s phone, the phone rang again. It was “Little Rabbit Ya” calling, timidly asking him if it was convenient now, and if it was convenient, she could come and get the keys now. Wang Bo slapped his head and then remembered that when he left the other party last time, he asked the other party to come and pick up the keys on Monday.
The roast duck was served soon, and the two people, who were both hungry, stopped talking about official matters and ate happily, chatting about other things while eating and drinking. Wang Bo actually doesn’t like roast duck, which is a bit sweet, but it’s good to change the taste occasionally.
“Well, Sister Xiangxiang, please call Sister Xuexue over here. I have something else to tell you. By the way, you go directly to the door of the international student dormitory. I’ll wait for you here.” Wang Bo said to Chen Xiang.
When Wang Bo led Chen Xiang and Wu Xue to his international student apartment, the two girls were surprised as expected. Wang Bo briefly introduced the origin of the house to the two of them, without making up any reasons. He told the truth directly. In the even more surprised eyes of the two girls, he lined up the two keys in front of Chen Xiang and looked at them with some excitement. “Little Rabbit Ya” said with a smile:
/“Sister Xiangxiang, Sister Xuexue, this big key is the key to the house in Sanxia Plaza. You can clean it on Friday afternoon. If you are not free on Friday and need to advance or postpone it, you can tell me first. , my mobile phone is usually on 24 hours a day. This small key is the key to this small apartment for international students. I thought about it and asked you to clean the house. On the basis of the original, I I’ll add another fifty yuan for you. You can choose Saturday or Sunday for the cleaning here. The time is up to you. The general arrangement is like this. Sister Xiangxiang, Sister Xuexue, do you have any opinions? If so You can mention it!”
“I don’t have any other objections, except that the price you gave is too high.” Chen Xiang said a little shyly.
“That’s right, Wang Bo, your price is really too high. Yesterday Xiangxiang and I went to the housekeeping company to inquire. Your price is almost two or three times the market price. Just keep it the original price, don’t add any more money. , we have cl