
tical consultative conferences at all levels as long as I could. All kinds of report letters and reaction materials were packed in a woven bag.

tical consultative conferences at all levels as long as I could. All kinds of report letters and reaction materials were packed in a woven bag.
Materials are transferred every three days, and leaders give instructions every now and then. The village, town, and district also have a headache. Whenever there is an important event or an inspection from superiors, they arrange for people to go to the Ding family to keep an eye on them. They do their work diligently and tell them not to Just wait and let them trust the government.
Pressure from all aspects finally came to the branch. The branch had no choice but to put Tao Yuling in the detention center as soon as she could no longer bear it.
/The Ding family didn’t agree, and Tao Yuling didn’t agree either.
As soon as he saw the policeman handling the case, he claimed that she was speaking out of anger. She was a woman, and the Ding family always bullied her. She was so pitiful, and it didn’t matter if she said a few angry words.
If you have evidence, you shoot me, but if you don’t have evidence, why are you arresting me?
She has money and her natal family can help with advice and hire a lawyer. When the Ding family petitions, she also uses her natal relatives and lawyers to protect her rights. The public security organs cannot violate the law knowingly. The petition departments at all levels forwarded a bunch of reporting materials, and there were instructions from superiors. The branch office had no choice but to release the person.
In the past two years, people have been arrested and released, and then arrested again. This is not in compliance with laws and regulations, delays work, and seriously affects the image of the public security organs and even the party and the government.
After figuring out the ins and outs, the “old commander” turned sideways and asked, “Comrade Jiang Ming, what do you think?” The
pretrial brigade is responsible for the pretrial work of major cases and is responsible for reviewing and checking evidence. Captain Jiang Ming’s opinion is very important.
The superior will come to inspect it in a few days. This case has been delayed in the branch for two years. Now the city bureau can’t delay the investigation any longer, and now is not the time to be in peace.
/He took a deep breath and said bluntly: “Reporting to the leaders, we have carefully studied the case materials. We believe that the serious setbacks in the 9.22 case during the litigation process were caused by a variety of reasons. It can be said that this is a typical case. cases with poor handling quality. On the one hand, the criminal suspect Tao Yuling confessed to the facts of her crime. On the other hand, due to insufficient evidence collected by the case handling unit at the time, especially insufficient physical evidence to directly identify the crime, the case could not be transferred Prosecution. In the process of handling the case, she violated the principle of “emphasizing evidence, focusing on investigation and research, and not trusting confessions”. O