
nowledge light ball!” David placed his hand on Shadow Warrior and commanded with his heart.

Then he felt the dark yellow ball of knowledge moving into his body, and then his eyes blurred, and his body appeared in a martial arts arena.
The body in the illusion is holding a spear and constantly doing the same action, stabbing.
David felt the flow of power in this body. An ordinary thrust mobilized all the muscles and bones in the body.
/It was stabbing almost non-stop. When the spear was thrust out, the air felt like it was being cut, making an ear-piercing scream.
This movement seemed to never stop, and David couldn’t control his body and could only passively feel it.
I don’t know how much time has passed, five years or more, but the body in the illusion is still stabbing me.
It’s just that when the spear is thrust out, there is no sound anymore. At the tip of the spear, at the end of each thrust, a small white mist will appear. After the air there is compressed by the thrust, it will stop with the thrust. The heat released instantly after being dropped forms smoke.
After this, the illusion finally changed, and a battle with the Zerg appeared. The spear warrior was different from the two-sword warrior in yesterday’s illusion. He had never fought alone, and was assisted by several companions in every battle.
At this time, David also understood why the spear warrior would not fight alone, because his combat style was to attack, stabbing again and again, without defense or dodge. If there was no protection from other warriors, the spear warrior would With this fighting style, he has died countless times.
The illusion ended after hundreds of battles. In fact, the knowledge of spears had been mastered in previous exercises. The latter battles were more about how to fight with companions.
Coming out of the illusion, David quickly looked at the time on his identity bracelet. Only ten minutes had passed, and he couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.
The stabbing practice made him think that a few years had really passed. He must know that no matter how many battles he had with the Zerg in the illusion, it would be much better than the same boring practice.
Sensing the emptiness in Shadow Warrior’s body, David couldn’t help but feel sorry for the dead Mr. Stern. He was hit by a long-range sniper artillery fire from such a distance, making it impossible for him to harvest Mr. Stern’s soul.
Go to the bathroom mirror in the bedroom and look at yourself in the mirror.
With young skin full of collagen, short blond hair, and blue eyes, he looks like a teenager.
/But he also noticed a trace of indifference in his own eyes in the mirror, which was an indifference to life.
This was affected by the integration of those knowledge light balls. David didn’t know whether this influence was good or bad, but he knew that becoming stronger was the basis for being able to survive in this world. He would never regret integrating the knowledge light balls. .
Although Mr. Ste is dead, the organization behind him is still