
use guarded by two soldiers, and Hastings used his identity bracelet to open the warehouse door.

In the entire warehouse, there is only one all-metal box in the middle.
“This kryptonite bomb was obtained through Melvin’s extraordinary connections. It is very dangerous. Please use it with caution!” Hastings instructed while transferring the authority of the metal box to David.
/David nodded. He couldn’t say that he had used this thing before. He used this thing to blow up the Starflyer’s cultivation area last time.
However, the power of the krypton crystal powder bomb is indeed so amazing that even second-grade materials cannot defend it within a range of three kilometers.
“Check it. If there are no problems, I’ll hand it over to you!” Hasting made a gesture of invitation to David after finishing the operation.
/“Okay!” David responded.
He stepped forward and swiped his ID bracelet on the lock of the metal box. The metal box opened, revealing three kryptonite powder bombs protected by special anti-collision materials.
It’s just that these three krypton crystal powder bombs are obviously much smaller than the krypton crystal powder bombs he used before. Each of these three krypton crystal powder bombs is only the size of a blue ball.
“Mr. Hastings, how powerful is this kryptonite bomb?” David turned to Hastings and asked.
“Master David, wait a minute, I will send you the information on this kryptonite powder bomb!” Hasting said as if he just remembered and operated the identity bracelet again.
Soon, David received instructions for a kryptonite powder bomb on his identity bracelet.
David discovered that the full names of the three krypton powder bombs he received were ‘compressed krypton powder decomposition bombs’. Their range of power was still three kilometers, but smaller than ordinary krypton powder bombs.
The reason why the power range is set at three kilometers is related to the Interstellar Federation’s rigid regulations on war weapons.
Destructive bombs like this are divided into tactical and strategic types. Strategic bombs can only be deployed by specific troops within the military, and there are strict regulations on their use.
The relatively less powerful tactical bombs are forced to have a three-kilometer range of action, which will not cause irreparable damage to some smaller planets.
David carefully closed the metal box. The explosive power of these three krypton crystal powder bombs made him dare not try it easily even if he was wearing a level 3 defense exoskeleton armor.
David, who had just come out of the genetic repair cabin and washed his body, walked to the cockpit, nodded to Captain Hope, and then sat down.
After he sat down, the light curtain automatically appeared, and he kept stroking it with his fingers, looking at some of the newly added onboard weapons on the Razer modified ship, with a satisfied smile on his face.
Hastings is not stingy. In addition to increasing the number of Gauss cannons to ten, the current weapons on the Razer modified ship have also been rearranged wi