
ther party rushing towards him in a flash. He did not recite the incantation to himself at all, poured his spirituality into it, and threw “Yang”. Fire Spell” opportunity.

Just when he was about to roll to dodge, Klein saw Megoose suddenly stop, saw Dunn Smith’s black windbreaker fluttering backwards, and saw the captain diagonally in front of him lowering his head, with thick stripes protruding from his back. , wriggling strips of things, like poisonous snakes, tentacles, and monsters hiding underneath.
Dunn is using his “Nightmare” ability to forcefully interfere with Megoos.
Bang bang bang. Megoos just struggled, and the thick strips protruding from Dunn’s body exploded at the same time.
A large amount of bright red blood splashed out, raining down on every corner of the surrounding area.
Regarding this result, the pale Dunn was not depressed because the blood was absorbed by the thin black threads made from the ashes of Saint Selina.
The countless cold, slippery, tentacle-like thin threads suddenly became violent, changed from retreat to advance, and surged forward, tightly entangled Megoose, entangled her high bulge, and began to squirm. abdomen.
Klein was nervous and happy at the same time, and the ancient Hermetic word corresponding to “light” was brewing in his throat.
“Wow wow wow”
The baby’s cry sounded again, more continuous than before, more urgent than before
The black, countless, almost invisible thin threads suddenly stopped, as if they were struck by lightning, trembling and trembling before being recovered.
Dunn looked at this scene and realized that Megoose was about to escape. The expression on his face changed. Without any hesitation, he withdrew his right hand, spread his fingers, and inserted it into his chest with a pop. The left side of his chest
He quickly pulled out his right hand, which was stained with blood. His five fingers clenched a heart with a feeling of tranquility at night and changing dreams, a heart that was still contracting and expanding.
Captain Klein watched helplessly as Dunn Smith stuffed the heart held in his right hand into the urn of Saint Selina, and his vision blurred rapidly.
Woo woo woo
Like the cry of a nightmare in the middle of the night, the countless thin black threads tightened again with an unusually cold and calm feeling, tightly and tightly confining Megoos.
/Even if another baby’s cry came from Megoose’s belly, they did not loosen at all, and even locked the terrible sound within their own package.
Klein’s tears mixed with blood fell down drop by drop, and he uttered an ancient Hermes word in a low voice:
The light that illuminates the darkness brings warm light
Almost all of his remaining spirituality was poured into the thin gold sheet engraved with mysterious patterns, and his head suddenly felt empty and dizzy.
Summoning the last of his strength, Klein threw the “Sun Flame Spell” towards Megoose, who was imprisoned by countless thin black threads.
This time, those black lines did not retreat in advance and