
theater to watch a movie. If she came back early, They just wait for her, or forget it.

theater to watch a movie. If she came back early, They just wait for her, or forget it.
Zhang Yu’s well-timed phone call rescued Zheng Yan from the dilemma. Zheng Yan frowned, showed a shocked expression, covered her mouth and exclaimed: “What, Mengmeng fell from the playground stand?” Come down? What did she do? Why is she so careless? Is it serious? OK, OK, wait, I will be back soon.”
Zheng Yan hung up the phone and said to Sha Shuanghao and the others with an apologetic look: “I’m sorry, everyone. , a sister in the dormitory fell from the playground stand and broke her bones. I have to go back first. Sha Shuanghao, thank you for your hospitality. I will treat you all to dinner when I pay my salary.” Then
Zheng Yan said again. She looked at Ren Wei and said anxiously: “Ren Wei, I’m leaving now. You can play with everyone.”
Zheng Yan left in a hurry. She raised her hand to stop a khaki antelope and got in. , quickly disappeared in front of everyone, leaving only a few people who were stunned and confused by the sudden change.
The other people also looked depressed and unlucky. Without Zheng Yan, Sha Shuanghao would definitely not invite them to Soho. Their ambition to meet white-collar workers, young women, and people was naturally stillborn.
Ren Wei was already planning to take advantage of Zheng Yan’s unpreparedness and go to the pharmacy to buy a box of ****. Unexpectedly, Zheng Yan suddenly left like this, which made him feel like a cooked duck. The feeling of flying. He did not doubt Zheng Yan. The call came suddenly. He had kept the bag where Zheng Yan had put her cell phone in when she went to the bathroom just now. Throughout the night, except for answering the phone just now, the other party had never touched his cell phone, so it did not exist. Something like collusion.
That is true, as Sha Shuanghao said, people are not as good as God.
But Ren Wei was still filled with resentment, hating Zhang Yu who called to ruin his good deeds. Zhang Yu, a woman who always liked him, even scolded him so badly last time that he almost dropped his cell phone on the ground in anger.
“Smelly//pussy//woman, you are ruining all my good deeds! I will remember you, and one day I will want you to look good!” Ren Wei thought viciously.
/Just when everyone was disappointed, Sha Shuanghao on the side suddenly laughed “hahaha” and said to several people:
/“Since the sisters-in-law are gone, we will not go to ‘Soho’. There are no ladies around, a few As a grown man, it’s not interesting to go to a place like that.
“But, I see that everyone is in high spirits tonight, so I’m going to risk it, brother.” Tonight, I will take you to a fun place, a happy place that makes men want to come back even more! But I have something to say first. This place is only suitable for bachelors without girlfriends. So, Wei Zai, you have to think carefully. If you go, I will not stop you. On the contrary, I am still very welcome, brother, and I promise to make arrangements for you; but if anything happens Therefore, you can’t blame