
ith him day and night for almost a year, was already a senior and was about to graduate and leave the c university.

ith him day and night for almost a year, was already a senior and was about to graduate and leave the c university.
“Really? Then you are mistaken. I am from the class of 1998.” Zheng Yan became more and more relaxed, and the smile on her face became brighter and brighter. She even took the initiative to ask Wang Bo, “Who are your classmates over there?”
“Well, we are all in the same dormitory. We all wanted to see if we looked handsome in the photo. We stayed in the dormitory after lunch and had nothing to do, so we made an appointment to come together.” ”
Haha, you are all quite handsome. , I believe it will be more attractive in the photo.”
“That’s not necessarily true. I’m not very photogenic. Hehe, Senior Sister Zheng, you must be very photogenic. I’ll have to appreciate it when your classmate takes out the photo later. “As soon as he said this, he noticed that Zheng Yan’s eyes suddenly dropped when she looked at him, and her pretty face, which looked like a newly peeled egg, became even redder.
“Okay!” Zheng Yan hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded, then looked up at him and said, “Then let’s exchange views. I’ll also take a look at how you handsome guys look in the photos.” ”
Okay. !Senior sister, it’s settled!”
/The two of them were chatting quietly.
Except when he faced Liang Ya and Liang Ya’s mother two years ago, he had not spoken like this for a long time. His tone seemed calm and easy-going, but in fact, his heart was pounding.
/Zhang Yu and Zheng Yan left with the graduation photos of their classmates. Along the way, Zheng Yan saw Zhang Yu smiling weirdly and looking very happy. She couldn’t help but give her friend an elbow and said angrily: “Why are you smiling weirdly?”
“Hehehe, how do you feel about chatting with a billionaire?” Like? Are you excited? He asked you for your phone number or Q//Q?” Zhang Yu smiled “hehe” and winked at Zheng Yan.
“Excited, you big-headed ghost! I want you to be a big-headed ghost!” Zheng Yan rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu and gave her friend an elbow again, but her face turned a little red.
“No? That’s a pity.” Zhang Yu had a look of pity on his face, but the next moment, he suddenly grabbed Zheng Yan’s arm and asked, “But, have you returned Wang Bo’s tape to him? Didn’t you take it all with you?”
“Tape? Ah, I forgot about it!” Zheng Yan was startled and took a breath of surprise. Then she felt annoyed and turned around to look back. She was twenty or thirty meters away from behind them. The room was occupied by several of Wang Bo’s roommates, and Wang Bo had already parted ways with his roommates and was walking towards the international student apartment. At this time, the other party had already walked far away to the Sun Plaza near the teaching building.
Seeing that Zheng Yan wanted to chase Wang Bo, Zhang Yu pulled his friend and sighed: “Don’t be stupid, Yanzi, by the time you chase him, he will have already returned. Apartment. Why don’t you want to knock on his apartment door to return the tape? Besides, do you know which apar